Creative Human Interview: Jean Van't Hul · Craftwhack

I'm then thrilled to have Jean Van't Hul on the blog today, answering all my nosy questions. You know Jean from her blog, The Artful Parent, every bit well every bit her amazing books. She is an absolutely lovely person, and I'g certain y'all'll bask reading her answers equally much equally I did.

What'south 1 thing from your childhood that helped spark your creativity?
JEAN :: Freedom. I'd say other things, too, such equally artistic role models and lack of Television, a minimum of toys, etc, but if I had to choose one, information technology would exist freedom.
My siblings and I had a lot of leeway to roam, explore, and choose our activities. I don't retrieve whatever pressure to do homework, to follow a certain career path, or to call back a certain way. I was even allowed to drib out of high school when I said I wanted to learn on my own and to accept interesting classes at the community college instead (such as concrete anthropology and Russian history).

Projects from The Artful Parent - an interview with Jean Van't Hul

What'southward something you have overcome in your life?
JEAN :: This doesn't have annihilation to do with creativity, but the offset thing that comes to listen in terms of overcoming something. I had childhood asthma and couldn't run without wheezing. I outgrew the asthma every bit a teenager only it wasn't until after my first year of college that I learned to run. One of my all-time friends wanted to join the FBI and started training to pass the physical test. I joined her for moral back up. We started by alternating running and walking and worked upwards to full runs. It was difficult at first; I had to teach myself to exhale differently and had no stamina, but running is something that I've loved since.

Where do you go offline for inspiration?
JEAN :: Nature. Whether it's a hike in the woods or gardening in my backyard, I always get inspired past nature. There is and so much beauty, color, symmetry, and magic in the natural world effectually us.

What makes you weird?
JEAN :: Equally a kid, I alternated between wanting to be Laura Ingalls Wilder and wanting to alive off the state as a Native American. I kept a journal of all the useful things I would need to know for when I ran abroad from home and lived in the wilderness on my ain in "My Side of the Mountain" fashion, such every bit how to trap animals, how to make moccasins, and which plants were edible.

The Artful Parent Interview

Are creatives more sensitive than other people?
JEAN :: I think anyone who creates something with heart and soul is both extra sensitive to the life around them but likewise sensitive to the reception of their work.

Exercise you call back something in your life that y'all felt squashed your creativity?
JEAN :: I retrieve many instances of grade school crafts where we received a printable and instructions to cut out the construction newspaper teddy deport (or whatever) and assemble it a certain fashion. I don't recall it "squashing my creativity" per se, just making me critical of schoolhouse from a young historic period.

Do you have any quirks/routines/habits that you follow when you work?
JEAN :: I wake up crazy early (like 3 or 4 am sometimes) and write everything out longhand before it always sees a computer screen. That's probably got to be considered pretty crazy in this twenty-four hour period of digital everything, just I call back and write better on newspaper.

Here are some of my favorite posts from The Artful Parent:

Glue Art on Canvas

Homemade Art Materials for Kids

How to Doodle Tissue Newspaper Lanterns

Jean's books, The Artful Year and The Aesthetic Parent:


Previous Creative Human Interviews:

Asia Citro from Fun at Home With Kids

Meri Cherry from Meri Cherry

What do yous call up?

Joanne Gonzales has a passion for getting creative. Whether she is making personalized DIY gifts or taking part in larger arts and crafts projects, she puts her all into making new and cute things.

She lives with a group of close friends and believes in the natural way of life. Joanne has built an outdoor arts and crafts gallery that overlooks the countryside in her hometown, which is where all of her creations come to life.

Art started off as a hobby, just over fourth dimension Joanne has mastered her skills and sold some of her favorite pieces. She works full time every bit a florist and has done for many years. It helps go along her creative juices flowing and she hopes to 1 solar day open her own florist shop with a twist.


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